
Distance Learning – Moving Beyond Triage/Survival Mode

Well, 2020 turned out to have one huge plot twist for all of us! By now, we are all weeks into distance learning, remote teaching, or whatever your district is calling it. Shelter in place is the new normal. This experience so far has been many, many things. Stressful, overwhelming, exhausting, frustrating. While many of us have taken a quantum leap in our technology and video conferencing skills, some are still in survival mode. Those teachers with children of their own at home needing help with their schooling, or dealing with the financial stress of people in their home having lost their jobs, are in a particular tough bind. Seeking balance and job satisfaction at this trying time is not only possible but in fact essential. Our students and our families still need the best of us. But how?

I was recently interviewed on “This Is My Teacher Voice” podcast and discussed the issue of how to practice scientifically proven habits to boost our happiness quotient even during this crazy time.

While it does take an extra effort to be intentional, the basic building blocks for happiness still exist in our profession, even as it looks different than it has ever looked before.

I invite you to take a few minutes just for yourself and listen to the podcast. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and experiences below. Now, more than ever, we need to support each other in positive ways. Click here or on the image above.

Stay safe and hang in there!

P.S. There is a link to a fantastic FREEBIE in the podcast show notes!

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Hi, I'm Grace!

I help teachers like you have a more positive teaching experience! 
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