
If you want TO TRANSFORM YOUR TEACHING EXPERIENCE you're in the right place!

In addition to being a teacher just like you (coming up on two decades in the classroom!) I have other super powers.  I’m proud to admit that I’m also a bit of a  nerd, especially in the positive mindset area. I have studied positive psychology for 20 years and I am a Certified Neuro-Linguist Programming (NLP) Coach (yep, that’s pretty nerdy!)

But here’s the thing – I put my knowledge to use every day in my classroom. I use the mindset habits I’ve learned to feel empowered and relaxed, to connect with students, and to create a positive vibe of engagement and collaboration. True magic happens in our classroom!

I quit a successful VP career in the corporate world to become a public school teacher, and I’ve never been happier. Teaching is a tough gig, but it doesn’t need to be that way. I can help you form the simple habits that can take some of the bumps out of the crazy teacher-life ride.

I know what it’s like to be OVERWHELMED, STRESSED and RESENTFUL about your workload

But it doesn't need to be this way...

Teaching is my second career. Until 2002 I was a rising star in the corporate world, with a VP title by age 30. I had the big house, the fancy cars, and two beautiful babies. But I wasn’t happy. Constantly overwhelmed, the travel and stress took a toll on my mental health and my family life, straining my relationships. I felt none of the areas of my life got enough attention. I was burned out and resentful. I felt my role had no real purpose other than to shareholders. Honestly, any time I found a few minutes to be alone, I didn’t spend them on true self-care and renewal, I spent them crying. I cried in my car when I was alone, I took the dog out for a walk so that I could cry, I cried in my closet. Something had to change.

That change came when I went to my daughter’s kindergarten Back to School Night. All the dreams of being a teacher that I had when I was a little girl came back to me. It seemed that teaching offered all the foundational building blocks I needed to be happier:

  • it’s important (I felt I would have a purpose)
  • a more manageable schedule
  • the ability to spend quality time with my babies (no more daycare for Spring Break and summer!)
  • opportunities for connection (no more close the sale and hop on a plane)
  • and FUN! (yes, kids are funny!)

And even though going back to school to get my credential with two toddlers at home and taking a massive pay cut was not easy,  teaching was my dream job for a while.


Pretty soon I realized that many teachers were in the same place I thought I had just escaped from – overextended, burned out, feeling disenchanted, and all for a lot less compensation!

Now I’d be lying if I said I’ve never had a bad day teaching. In twenty years, teaching has brought me to my knees a few times to be sure.

But on a day to day basis, I have a reputation of being less stressed, more joyful, and ultimately more effective than many of my peers. I have way fewer classroom management issues (despite teaching in a very “tough” Title 1 school for 16 years), more productive relationships with parents and colleagues. And not because I am any “better” a teacher. But simply because I learned how to hack the mindset piece, and bring a more positive energy to everything I do. 


It’s time to fix this problem!

The Truth Is we spend hours in “professional development” learning curriculum standards, ever changing district priorities (aren’t we running out of acronyms yet?), how to implement new technology and assessments, manage students and support every admins latest pet project. But no one invest time in teaching us the ONE SET OF SKILLS that will make the biggest difference in the long run – how to effectively manage the energy and mindset that we bring to the classroom every day.

I hear many teachers complain that “students just don’t listen.” Here’s a truth bomb – Your energy speaks louder than our words.


I have created resources to help you with you learn and practice positive mindset habits. My mission is simple – happier classrooms for teachers and students.

Check out my Free 6 Week Sample of Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers Journal to experience just how simple the habits are.

Do you "love" teaching but are burned out on it taking up ALL your time, and negatively affecting your mental health and relationships?

Let me help!